Two thousand years of Latin Prose is a digital anthology of Latin Prose. Here you will be able to find texts from two millennia of gems in Latin. In this ninth chapter, we will learn more about Sallustius, known to many as Sallust. We will also read a passage from his...
Posts by
Amelie Rosengren

List of Roman Authors
Here we have gathered a list, a chronology, of Roman authors who wrote in Latin from the 3rd century B.C. to roughly the late 4th century A.D. We’ve included a few short sentences about each author to give you a quick overview of who they were and what they...
Chapter 8 – Varro: How To Harvest Grapes
Two thousand years of Latin Prose is a digital anthology of Latin Prose. Here you will be able to find texts from two millennia of gems in Latin. In this eighth chapter, we will learn more about Varro. We will also read about how to harvest grapes for wine in a...
10 Tips for Learning Latin at Home
Stuck at home? Let’s look at 10 common and uncommon suggestions for improving your Latin without leaving your house. Strange times are upon us. The world is closing around us. Everyone is told to stay at home, wash their hands and keep socializing to a minimum. ...
Chapter 7 – Bellum Alexandrinum: The Battle Of The Mole
Two thousand years of Latin Prose is a digital anthology of Latin Prose. Here you will be able to find texts from two millennia of gems in Latin. In this seventh chapter, we will learn about the pseudo-Caesarian work written in the style of Julius Caesar's De Bello...
Chapter 6 – Julius Caesar: The Rivalry Between Pullo And Vorenus
Two thousand years of Latin Prose is a digital anthology of Latin Prose. Here you will be able to find texts from two millennia of gems in Latin. In this sixth chapter, we will learn more about one of history's most famous men: Gaius Julius Caesar. We will also...
Latinitium: Year in Review 2019
As one year ends and another one begins, it is only proper to reflect on the past year and appreciate what has been and, at the same time, get excited over what is to come. This time around we not only leave a year behind, but an entire decade as we step into the...
Chapter 5 – Cicero: The Most Famous Takedown In History (In Catilinam)
Two thousand years of Latin Prose is a digital anthology of Latin Prose. Here you will be able to find texts from two millennia of gems in Latin. In this fifth chapter, we will learn more about the most famous Roman orator of all time: Marcus Tullius Cicero. We...
Chapter 4 – Ad Herennium: The Art Of Memory
Two thousand years of Latin Prose is a digital anthology of Latin Prose. Here you will be able to find texts from two millennia of gems in Latin. In this fourth chapter, we will learn about the rhetorical manual long thought to be the work of Cicero,...