Amelie Rosengren

Amelie Rosen­gren (M.A.) is a his­to­ri­an, author, muse­um edu­ca­tor, and co-founder of Latini­tium. Her research has focused on every­day life from antiq­ui­ty to the ear­ly mod­ern era. 

Daniel Pettersson giving a talk


I HAVE been a his­to­ry nerd for as long as I can remem­ber. As a child, I found his­to­ry to be the most fas­ci­nat­ing sto­ry­book of all, I still do. To most, “his­to­ry” means the adven­tures of kings, queens and emper­ors, wars and rev­o­lu­tions, great dis­cov­er­ies, hunts for witch­es, black deaths, or slave trade. To me, all of these grand schemes of his­to­ry nev­er came first. Big events or per­sonas rarely caught my inter­est. Instead, I found myself drawn to the small things in history.

Small, not insignificant.

The every­day occur­rences of the life of pre­vi­ous gen­er­a­tions – how things change con­stant­ly, but still in many ways, stay the same – or the curi­ous details of past lives. These small odd­i­ties or facts, often neglect­ed, can turn a king into a real per­son or a past era into some­thing tan­gi­ble and vivid.

This inter­est of mine brought me to the Uni­ver­si­ty, where I got a Mas­ter of Arts in His­to­ry. How­ev­er, as I could not get enough, I also turned to the His­to­ry of Ideas – a crossover sub­ject that includes his­to­ry, phi­los­o­phy, sci­ence, psy­chol­o­gy, ped­a­gogy etc. – and got a Bach­e­lor of Arts.

For a long time, I thought my place in the world was in his­tor­i­cal archives. How­ev­er, I found myself work­ing as a Muse­um Edu­ca­tor at the world’s first open-air muse­um, Skansen. Here I was able to com­bine the best of two worlds; my love of history’s every­day sto­ries and ordi­nary peo­ple, and teaching.

My inter­est has tak­en me and my research from the depths of medieval archives and defam­a­to­ry cas­es to the plight of poor farm­ers dur­ing the indus­tri­al rev­o­lu­tion. It also brought me to Latin.

As so much of his­to­ry has been record­ed in Latin, I found myself tak­ing Latin class­es in upper sec­ondary school and, again, years lat­er at Stock­holm Uni­ver­si­ty. There I met Daniel Pet­ters­son. In 2016 we start­ed plan­ning for what was to become Latini­tium where we com­bine his expe­ri­ence and pas­sion for the Latin lan­guage with my fas­ci­na­tion for every­thing that has been.

Where­as the lan­guage and its lit­er­a­ture have a cen­tral role for Daniel, for me, the impor­tant thing is what we can learn about his­to­ry using Latin as a tool. How much knowl­edge would not be lost, were Latin to van­ish from the minds of men?


Research interests:

Amelie’s research has cen­tred on every­day occur­rences, cus­toms and curiosi­ties from Euro­pean his­to­ry with a par­tic­u­lar focus on food, trade and the dai­ly life of ordi­nary peo­ple. 


Aca­d­e­m­ic posi­tions, speak­ing engage­ments, teach­ing, and vol­un­teer work. 
  • Mas­ter of Arts, His­to­ry, Stock­holm University/Glasgow University
  • Bach­e­lor of Arts, His­to­ry of Ideas, Stock­holm University
  • Muse­um Edu­ca­tor, Skansen, Stockholm
  • Speak­er, Kon­sument­förenin­gen Stockholm
  • Speak­er, Koop­er­a­ti­va vän­ner, Stockholm
  • Text­book author, Pugio Bru­ti – A Crime Sto­ry in Easy Latin 
  • Author, Slussen – eller Kom­mis­sarie Frank Holms Huvud­värk, a novel
  • Chron­i­cler, arti­cles con­cern­ing the His­to­ry of food,
  • Teacher, Lärar­jouren, Stockholm