Editorial Policy

Updat­ed 2021-04-25

Latini­tium pub­lish­es resources ded­i­cat­ed to the pro­mo­tion of the study of the Latin lan­guage. includ­ing arti­cles, videos and audio. Our resources cov­er a wide vari­ety of sub­jects, all con­cern­ing Latin: learn­ing Latin, teach­ing Latin, Latin lit­er­a­ture, Latin gram­mar, and his­to­ry con­cern­ing, expres­sions, cus­toms or sim­ply arti­cles or videos in Latin for the sake of prac­tic­ing your Latin. 

This pol­i­cy describes the guide­lines in the pub­li­ca­tion process of our resources. 


An author is an indi­vid­ual who has sig­nif­i­cant­ly con­tributed to the devel­op­ment of a man­u­script. The author may remain anony­mous should that we his/her wish.


Man­u­scripts should be pre­pared with care and be based in fact and research. Though empha­sis is put on man­u­scripts to be well researched, all mate­r­i­al should be writ­ten for a lay­man audi­ence, not for experts, as the goal of Latini­tium is to reach as many Latin­ists as pos­si­ble. All man­u­scripts are reviewed by one or more mem­bers of the Edi­to­r­i­al com­mit­tee. Mea­sure is tak­en to match the reviewer’s area of exper­tise to that of the sub­ject of the manuscript. 


The use of images should be for illus­trat­ing the con­tent of the resource, or for edu­ca­tion­al and inspi­ra­tional purposes.

Correction and retraction of material

If an error is dis­cov­ered in a pub­lished resource, cor­rec­tions may be made with or with­out the autho­riza­tion of the edi­tor of Latinitium. 


All arti­cles, videos and audio on Latinitium.com is copy­right­ed by Latinitium.com or by the indi­vid­ual author.