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We seek to proÂmote the study of Latin and make recent research known to a wider audiÂence. We have the honÂor to host scholÂars, uniÂverÂsiÂty proÂfesÂsors, teachÂers, and enthuÂsiÂast. With over 20’000 monthÂly visÂits, scholÂarÂly research can reach a wider audience.
If want to write about your research and make it accesÂsiÂble to a wide audiÂence, write us at [email protected].
Hans Aili
Hans Aili is ProÂfesÂsor EmerÂiÂtus of Latin (StockÂholm UniÂverÂsiÂty, Sweden).
His research has focused on three prinÂciÂpal areas: stylÂisÂtics of ClasÂsiÂcal Latin Prose (The Prose Rhythm of SalÂlust and Livy (1979)), Swedish medieval Latin (SancÂtae BirÂgitÂtae RevÂeÂlaÂtiones (IV 1992, VIII 2002)), and Swedish Neo-Latin litÂerÂaÂture, espeÂcialÂly war-time proÂpaÂganÂda poetÂry and, sciÂenÂtifÂic writings.
Peter Barrios-Lech
Peter BarÂrios-Lech is an AssoÂciate ProÂfesÂsor of ClasÂsics at the ColÂlege of LibÂerÂal Arts, UniÂverÂsiÂty of Massachusetts.
His research interÂests touch upon a variÂety of areas of ancient litÂerÂaÂture, e.g. Roman and Greek draÂma, sociÂolinÂguisÂtics, pragÂmatÂics, and recepÂtion. DrawÂing from his research into colÂloÂquiÂal Latin, he incorÂpoÂrates spoÂken Latin regÂuÂlarÂly into his teachÂing method. In the sumÂmer, he heads up the Latin immerÂsion course ConÂvenÂticÂuÂlum Bostoniense.
Alessandro Conti
AlessanÂdro ConÂti, PhD, is a high school teacher in Verona, Italy, who adopts the use of spoÂken Latin in his teachÂing. He also pubÂlishÂes the popÂuÂlar Latin podÂcast SerÂmones Raedarii, in which he talks about Latin, teachÂing, and many othÂer things. He has also writes origÂiÂnal music in Latin.
Eleanor Dickey
Eleanor DickÂey is ProÂfesÂsor of ClasÂsics (UniÂverÂsiÂty of ReadÂing, LonÂdon, UK).
ProÂfesÂsor Dickey’s field of research perÂtains to a wide array of subÂjects, from aspects of conÂverÂsaÂtionÂal Latin and greek lanÂguage (e.g. Greek Forms of Address, Oxford UniÂverÂsiÂty Press 1996), to the lanÂguage learnÂing diaÂlogue books of antiqÂuiÂty (The ColÂloÂquia of the HermeneuÂmaÂta PseuÂdoÂdositheana, CamÂbridge UniÂverÂsiÂty Press 2012–15).
Victor Frans
VicÂtor Frans is curÂrentÂly writÂing his disÂserÂtaÂtion on Saxo GramÂmatiÂcus. He holds a BA in Latin from StockÂholm UniÂverÂsiÂty and an MA in Medieval StudÂies from the UniÂverÂsiÂty of Oslo. He has worked in the Swedish NationÂal Archives and on a project on St. BirÂgitÂta of SweÂden (14th century).
Tom Keeline
Tom KeeÂline is an assisÂtant proÂfesÂsor of ClasÂsics at WashÂingÂton UniÂverÂsiÂty in St. Louis.
He teachÂes his Latin classÂes either excluÂsiveÂly or in large part in Latin, and he co-hosts the Latin podÂcast PhiloloÂgia PerenÂnis with Patrick Owens. He also enjoys activÂiÂties with immeÂdiÂate pracÂtiÂcal appliÂcaÂtion in everyÂday life, such as Latin verse comÂpoÂsiÂtion and lexÂiÂcogÂraÂphy. OutÂside of ClasÂsics he spends most of his time with his wife and three children.
Christian Laes
ChrisÂtÂian is ProÂfesÂsor Ancient hisÂtoÂry (UniÂverÂsiÂty of ManÂchesÂter, UK).
ProÂfesÂsor Laes studÂies the social and culÂturÂal hisÂtoÂry of Roman and Late AntiqÂuiÂty, payÂing parÂticÂuÂlar attenÂtion to the human life course: childÂhood, youth, famÂiÂly, sexÂuÂalÂiÂty, and disÂabilÂiÂties. His monoÂgraphs and over eighty conÂtriÂbuÂtions have been pubÂlished with interÂnaÂtionÂalÂly renowned pubÂlishÂers and journals.
Terence Tunberg
TerÂence TunÂberg is ProÂfesÂsor of ClasÂsics at the UniÂverÂsiÂty of Kentucky.
His research interÂests include humanÂist Latin, CiceroÂniÂanÂism and the use of spoÂken Latin durÂing the periÂod. ProÂfesÂsor TunÂberg is also famous for his abilÂiÂty to speak Latin, as well as the ConÂvenÂticÂuÂlum Lexingtoniense.
Dirk Sacré
Dirk Sacré is ProÂfesÂsor emerÂiÂtus of Latin (KULeuÂven).
His scholÂarÂly research treats a wide array of topÂics in the field of Neo-Latin belles-letÂtres, e.g. EarÂly ModÂern episÂtologÂraÂphy, Neo-Latin poetÂry, and the ClasÂsiÂcal TraÂdiÂtion. He is also ediÂtor of the series SupÂpleÂmenÂta HumanÂisÂtiÂca LovanienÂsia (LeuÂven) and vice-presÂiÂdent of the AcadÂeÂmia LatiniÂtati FovenÂdae (Rome).
Benjamin Turner
BenÂjamin TurnÂer is a CanaÂdiÂan genÂerÂal surÂgeon, presentÂly studyÂing head and neck oncolÂoÂgy in Florida.
He was made BacÂcalauÂreÂaÂtus Artium at Thomas Aquinas ColÂlege in CalÂiÂforÂnia and MedÂiÂcÂiÂnae DocÂtor at the UniÂverÂsiÂty of WestÂern Ontario, and is purÂsuÂing a MagÂisÂter Artium in medÂical ethics at Duquesne UniÂverÂsiÂty. He believes that a litÂtle Latin would go a long way to help docÂtors pracÂtice betÂter medicine.