Learn Latin by reading and listening

A library of Latin texts with syn­chro­nized audio on your smart­phone or tablet.

  • begin­ner to advanced
  • for learn­ers and teachers
  • sto­ries, text­books, and literature

Avail­able on smart­phones & tablets.

Read with confidence

Master Latin

Understand Latin in Latin

Reading habit

teach with confidence

spoken Latin

Most people study Latin hard, but still can’t read fluently.

Many spend years study­ing and even teach­ing Latin with­out feel­ing that they can read Latin com­fort­ably. The old way of focus­ing on gram­mar, ana­lyz­ing and trans­lat­ing dif­fi­cult texts takes a very long time, and is often very tedious.

The fastest way to reach flu­en­cy is to read and lis­ten to a lot of Latin at your lev­el as often as pos­si­ble. Com­bine this with some study of gram­mar and his­to­ry and you will mas­ter Latin while hav­ing fun.

The biggest difficulty with learning Latin is not the language

You spend too much time on oth­er things:

  • “find­ing the right method”
  • “know­ing where to start”
  • “too dif­fi­cult texts”
  • “find­ing books”
  • “get­ting a habit”
  • “too many dif­fer­ent books”
  • “end­less googling”
  • “read­ing old PDFs”
  • “down­load­ing and lis­ten­ing to audio files”
  • “search­ing on forums”

You should only need to focus on learning


  • Find­ing, orga­niz­ing, and read­ing and lis­ten­ing should be easy.
  • You should be able to read and lis­ten to Latin any­where through­out the day.
  • Texts should always be accom­pa­nied by audio

Get Latin stories, textbooks, & literature to read and listen to

Step by step rEading

Curat­ed col­lec­tion of the best Latin books, orga­nized accord­ing to dif­fi­cul­ty:  no search­ing or doubting.

Latin text WITH audio

Increas­es under­stand­ing and enjoy­ment with the emo­tion and vocal inflec­tions of the narrator.

Beginner stories

Our begin­ner sto­ries also come with word-for-word trans­la­tions so you can start with no knowl­edge and start read­ing and lis­ten­ing to Latin.

Read with confidence

Our books come with either Eng­lish trans­la­tions, glos­saries,  com­men­taries, or all of the above.

Latin literature

Read and lis­ten to Cicero, Tac­i­tus, Seneca and more!

Avail­able on smart­phones and tablets.

A growing library of Latin 

  • Ritchie’s Fab­u­lae Faciles
  • Sto­ries in Easy Latin
  • Vita Han­ni­balis
  • De Bel­lo Gal­li­co lib. 1
  • Begin­ner Stories
  • Epis­tu­lae ad Famil­iares lib. XIV
  • Famil­ia Romana
  • and much more…

    Listen & read at the same time

    Leg­en­tibus is an app that com­bines Read-Along books and Audio­books, mak­ing it pos­si­ble for you to lis­ten to and read Latin simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, or just lis­ten, wher­ev­er and when­ev­er you wish. Most of our books come in two ver­sions so you can choose what suits you best.


    1. Sign Up

    Down­load Leg­en­tibus on App Store or Google Play and create an account and get start­ed with a 3‑day free tri­al subscription.

    2. Find a Book

    Browse the library of sto­ries, texts and lit­er­a­ture, to find a book you like. Click down­load and start read­ing and listening.

    3. Listen and Read

    Open the book, flip the front page and press play. The text will light up as you read/listen. 

    Avail­able on smart­phones and tablets

    legentibus makes it easy to Discover new texts and read every day

    With a Leg­en­tibus sub­scrip­tion, read­ing and lis­ten­ing to Latin is just about open­ing the app and div­ing into its rich col­lec­tion, from begin­ner sto­ries about Roman myth and his­to­ry, through the acclaimed Famil­ia Romana, to clas­si­cal authors such as Cicero or Tacitus.

    The unique com­bi­na­tion of Latin ebooks and audio­books in the form of Latin texts with syn­chro­nized audio gives you an unsur­passed learn­ing experience.

    App Features

    A curated library of Latin

    The grow­ing library of Latin is orga­nized accord­ing to dif­fi­cul­ty and genre, so you can find some­thing that suits your lev­el right away:

    • Begin­ner sto­ries from e.g. Roman myth and history
    • Pop­u­lar text­books such as Famil­ia Romana
    • Lit­er­a­ture such as Cicero’s Epis­tu­lae ad Famil­iares, Tac­i­tus’ Agricola.
    • New books added continuously. 

    Text with synchronized audio

    Read­ing and lis­ten­ing at the same time makes com­pre­hen­sion much eas­i­er and more enjoyable!


    • Nar­rat­ed text is high­light­ed
    • Click on a phrase to jump there
    • Click to view help resources 

    Audiobooks: Slow down or speed up

    If you only want the audio, you can lis­ten to all books as reg­u­lar audio­books and slow down or speed up the narration.

    translations, NOTES, & glossaries

    In most of the books you can click to instant­ly view help­ful resources, e.g.,

    • Eng­lish trans­la­tion of the cur­rent Latin page
    • Glos­sary with Eng­lish definitions
    • Gram­mat­i­cal notes

    Check the pref­ace of each book to see which things are avail­able for that book.

    Change text size & darkmode

    To increase read­abil­i­ty there are two set­tings you can change at any time in all read-along books:

    • Increase or decrease the book’s font size
    • Tog­gle dark mode for read­ing in low light

    Reading Plan for beginners

    Fol­low a plan right from the start. You don’t have to be a begin­ner to fol­low the Read­ing Plan—it is also a great way to find read­ing tips even if you’ve been study­ing for awhile.

    Avail­able on smarth­phones & tablets.

    Choose How and When to Study

    Do you pre­fer audio only, or do you like read­ing – per­haps you enjoy read­ing along to audio to make sure you real­ly under­stand what you hear and acti­vate as many sens­es as pos­si­ble in your studies?

    Do you want com­men­taries, glos­saries, or per­haps a trans­la­tion for your Latin text close by? As you read, just tap to view the avail­able resources.

    Do you like read-along­ing at night? Use the dark mode. Are your glass­es a bit weak? Make the read-along text bigger.

    Understand Latin Quicker

    Con­stant expo­sure to a lan­guage ensures sky­rock­et­ing your abil­i­ties in that lan­guage. Immer­sion is tru­ly the way to go.

    With the Leg­en­tibus App you will con­stant­ly have Latin with you where ever you go, in your phone or tablet for easy access. Start off with our read-alongs for all lev­els: the nar­ra­tion helps make the mean­ing much clear­er, and allows you to con­nect the writ­ten words with sound and emotion.

    Form a Habit and Save Time

    You (prob­a­bly) already have a rather strong habit of using your phone for this and that, be it phone calls, tex­ting, scrolling on social media, read­ing the news, watch­ing videos.

    Use that habit to open your Leg­en­tibus app and scroll through some Cicero instead! Before you know it, you will have formed a great study habit with lit­tle work.

    Since you have all you need in your phone or tablet you can study anywhere.

    Immersion En Route

    As long as your phone or tablet has pow­er, the app is always there with you, mak­ing it pos­si­ble to steal away a minute or two for your Latin when you’re wait­ing in line for the bus, while doing gro­cery, eat­ing lunch, walk­ing the dog. Latin is always there at your disposal.

    Avail­able on smart­phones and tablets.

    Behind Legentibus


    Behind the Leg­en­tibus App you find Daniel Pet­ters­son and Amelie Rosen­gren. It is main­ly Daniel’s voice you will hear in the Audiobooks.

    The entire idea behind Leg­en­tibus is to make it as easy as pos­si­ble for Latin learn­ers to read Latin. To make it fun, acces­si­ble, and lessen the resis­tance. Learn­ing Latin is hard enough, any tool you choose to aid you in your stud­ies should make it easier.

    Togeth­er Daniel and Amelie have a long expe­ri­ence in lan­guage learn­ing, teach­ing and ped­a­gogy bring­ing it all with them into the app.

    Daniel Pettersson

    Daniel Pettersson M.A.

    Daniel Pet­ters­son M.A. is a Latin teacher, speak­er and schol­ar. He is cur­rent­ly research­ing 16th cen­tu­ry Latin ped­a­gogy, at Stock­holm Uni­ver­si­ty. 

    Amelie Rosengren

    Amelie Rosengren M.A.

    Amelie Rosen­gren M.A. is an his­to­ri­an, author and educator.

    Available now on the App Store and Google Play.

    Legentibus – a part of Latinitium

    Leg­en­tibus is a part of Latinitium.com and the goal for both is to make learn­ing Latin eas­i­er for those who ven­ture into that adven­ture. In order to do that, Leg­en­tibus and Latini­tium strive to make avail­able, and cre­ate more, resources in Latin for every­one – from begin­ners to advanced, from stu­dents to teach­ers, from young to old and from all over the world.


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Where can I find the Legentibus app?

    The Leg­en­tibus app can be found either on App Store or on Google Play.

    Can I try it out first?


    You can browse around the app for free once you’ve down­loaded it from the App Store or Google Play. Two of our read-alongs are open for every­one to read so you can get an idea.

    There is also a 3 day free tri­al includ­ed in the sub­scrip­tion, so you can take the app out for a real test dri­ve before mak­ing a def­i­nite decision.

    What does the app cost?

    The app itself is free to down­load and try out for 3 days. Should you wish con­tin­ued full access to Leg­en­tibus’ library a sub­scrip­tion is needed.

    Depend­ing on where you live in the world, the price of the sub­scrip­tion will vary due to cur­ren­cies and dif­fer­ent tax­es such as VAT.

    Here are a few exam­ples though to get you an idea:

    The launch price for the US is $9.99 per month, $54.99 per half-year or $99.99 per year.

    For most coun­tries with­in the euro­zone the launch prices are €9.99 per month, €54.99 per half-year or €99.99 per year.

    But as men­tioned, prices will vary due to cur­ren­cies and tax­es. Be sure to check App Store or Google Play to get the right price for you.

    Once the launch peri­od is over the prices will increase, this will be com­mu­ni­cat­ed to all sub­scribers in advance.

    Includ­ed in all sub­scrip­tions is a 3 day free trial.

    How much does it cost to subscribe to Legentibus?

    Depend­ing on where you live in the world, the price of the sub­scrip­tion will vary due to cur­ren­cies and dif­fer­ent tax­es such as VAT.

    Here are a few exam­ples though to get you an idea:

    The launch price for the US is $9.99 per month, $54.99 per half-year or $99.99 per year.

    For most coun­tries with­in the euro­zone the launch prices are €9.99 per month, €54.99 per half-year or €99.99 per year.

    But as men­tioned, prices will vary due to cur­ren­cies and tax­es. Be sure to check App Store or Google Play to get the right price for you.

    Once the launch peri­od is over the prices will rise, this will be com­mu­ni­cat­ed to all sub­scribers in advance.

    Includ­ed in all sub­scrip­tions is a 3 day free trial.

    Will there be a launch / introductory price?

    Yes! There will be a peri­od of a few months with a spe­cial launch price for the app. 

    The price varies depend­ing on where you live in the world due to tax­es and currencies. 

    How­ev­er, to get an idea: the launch price for the US is $9.99 per month, $54.99 per half-year or $99.99 per year, and for most coun­tries with­in the euro­zone €9.99 per month, €54.99 per half-year or €99.99 per year.

    Includ­ed in all sub­scrip­tions is a 3 day free trial.

    What do you mean by Read-Along?

    Exact­ly what it sounds like: While you lis­ten you can also read along with the text. The text that is read to you (just like an audio­book) also lights up in pur­ple to high­light exact­ly where you are. (A lit­tle bit like when you sing karaoke, but better.)

    You can also touch the text that you’re read­ing to make it start over, or choose to jump for­ward or back­ward just by touch­ing the text in the read along ver­sions. The audio will follow.

    In all read-alongs you can increase or decrease the size of the text while read­ing: Tap on the aA icon at the bot­tom of the screen and then the A to the left (to decrease) or to the right (to increase) the size.

    You can also switch to dark mode should the screen feel too bright; just tap on the sun icon at the bot­tom left corner.

    There are also fea­tures for our read-alongs that varies depend­ing on book: some have an Eng­lish trans­la­tion to go with the Latin text and audio, some (our begin­ner sto­ries) have an inter­lin­ear trans­la­tion, some have a glos­sary and some a com­men­tary. Some have more than one feature.

    To view an Eng­lish trans­la­tion or an inter­lin­ear trans­la­tion, tap on EN at the bot­tom. To return to the Latin text, tap on LA.

    For read-alongs with a glos­sary: if you hold down two fin­gers on the text, you will see the avail­able words high­light­ed in yel­low. Tap on any of them to see the def­i­n­i­tion. Then, tap the back arrow at the bot­tom right cor­ner to return to the Latin text.

    To view the com­men­tary explain­ing lan­guage or his­tor­i­cal aspects, tap the light­bulb icon at the bot­tom right-hand cor­ner. Then, tap on the back arrow to return to the text.

    The text is too small/big for me to read in your books, can I change this?


    You can increase or decrease the size of the text while read­ing: Tap on the aA icon at the bot­tom of the screen and then the A to the left (to decrease) or to the right (to increase) the size.

    Is there a way to read an English translation along with the Latin text?


    Many of our read-along books (not all) have an Eng­lish trans­la­tion avail­able with just a click. Once you’ve opened the book to read along, you will find a small but­ton at the low­er right say­ing “EN”. Push that and the Latin text will flip to the Eng­lish trans­la­tion. Push it again and it will take you right back to the Latin text.

    Can I use the Legentibus app offline?

    Yes, and no.

    You need to be online to down­load the app and to sub­scribe. Once sub­scribed you can down­load what­ev­er book you like in the library which will make that book avail­able to lis­ten or read along to offline.

    Once you go offline, there are things in the app that won’t show, books you can’t see etc. How­ev­er, all books that you have down­loaded will be avail­able for read-along­ing or lis­ten­ing in your library. The library can be found by tap­ping the menu in the top right corner.

    The audio is a bit slow for my taste, can I speed it up?

    Yes, and no.

    For our audio­books you can speed up the audio. Below the Play-but­ton you will see a small grey but­ton say­ing “1.0x”. Push that and you will get a list of choic­es with dif­fer­ent speeds. Make your choice and get back to listening.

    For read-alongs the answer is unfor­tu­nate­ly no.

    Is there a Latin-English dictionary included in the app?


    For many read-alongs a glos­sary is includ­ed in the book: If you hold down two fin­gers on the text, you will see the avail­able words high­light­ed in yel­low. Tap on any of them to see the def­i­n­i­tion. Then, tap the back arrow at the bot­tom right cor­ner to return to the Latin text.

    Begin­ner sto­ries instead have an inter­lin­ear trans­la­tion, mean­ing you can see a word for word trans­la­tion in Eng­lish below the Latin text. (This can be switched off.)

    For those books, as well as for all audio­books, that do not have a glos­sary, a Latin-Eng­lish dic­tio­nary can be found through a link found in the menu. The link will take you straight to Latinitium’s 4 dig­i­tized dic­tio­nar­ies (Lewis and Short, Smith and Hall, Döder­lein, and Horae Lati­nae)

    In some read-alongs you will also find a com­men­tary specif­i­cal­ly made for that book. Just tap the light­bulb to the low­er right to access it.

    Does the app support dark mode?

    Yes, and no.

    The app itself has no dark­mode, how­ev­er all of our read-along books have a dark mode option to make it more com­fort­able to read at night.

    When using a read-along, look to the low­er left cor­ner and you will find an icon look­ing like a sun. Tap that to tog­gle between dark mode and reg­u­lar mode.

    Do you have a reading plan for beginners?


    On the home page in the app you can find our Read­ing Plan to help you get start­ed with learn­ing Latin. 

    The read­ing plan is aimed at begin­ners, how­ev­er, it doesn’t hurt to look through it even if you’ve already begun your Latin learn­ing journey. 

    The audio is too fast for me, can I slow it down?

    Yes, and no. 

    For our audio­books you can slow down the audio. Below the Play-but­ton you will see a small grey but­ton say­ing “1.0x”. Push that and you will get a list of choic­es with dif­fer­ent speeds. Make your choice and get back to listening. 

    For read-alongs the answer is unfor­tu­nate­ly no. 

    How do I switch pages in a Read-Along?

    Each page in a Read-Along con­tains one chap­ter or sec­tion; scroll down to see the rest of the cur­rent chap­ter or sec­tion. Swipe right or left to go to the pre­vi­ous or next chap­ter or section.

    You can also tell Leg­en­tibus to turn pages auto­mat­i­cal­ly when the record­ing reach­es the end of the cur­rent page. To do this, tap on the mar­gin of the page, then on the speak­er icon at the top right cor­ner, and then tap on ‘Turn pages automatically.’

    How do you handle Copyrighted materials?

    We take great care to make sure that the texts, books, audio and trans­la­tions pub­lished in the Leg­en­tibus app fall into any of these categories:

    1. Latini­tium and Leg­en­tibus hold the copyright.

    2. Latini­tium and Leg­en­tibus has aquired the rigths to use said mate­ri­als by the copy­right hold­er or have an agree­ment with the copy­right holder.

    3. The copy­right has expired.

    How many devices can I use the app on?

    Five*. So if you wish to lis­ten and read on your phone while you’re on your way to work, but enjoy your tablet bet­ter while at home – you don’t need to choose between them.

    *Impor­tant to note: It needs to be 5 devices that uses the same plat­tform, i.e. either iOS or Android. This is due to Apple and Google han­dling sub­scrip­tions, and their sys­tems do not com­mu­ni­cate with each oth­er. We hope to solve this in the future.

    Should I use App Store or Google Play?

    If you hold a device using iOS, i.e. an iPhone or an iPad, use App Store.

    If you instead have an Android of any kind, use Google Play.

    Who is behind Legentibus?

    Leg­en­tibus is part of Latini­tium, which was found­ed by and is run by Daniel Pet­ters­son, M.A. and Amelie Rosen­gren, M.A.

    Ready to get started?

    Go to App Store or Google Play, down­load the app and get start­ed right away!