Legentibus for Educators

Transform Your Latin Teaching Experience

Equip your stu­dents with a mobile library of Latin texts with syn­chro­nized audio. Assign spe­cif­ic books or read­ing goals and mon­i­tor each stu­den­t’s progress in real time.

  • From begin­ners to advanced: suit­able for all your students
  • Ide­al for in-class teach­ing and remote learning
  • Wide range of mate­ri­als: sto­ries, text­books, and literature


Assign and monitor all in one place

As an edu­ca­tor, you have enough to wor­ry about. Now, in just a few clicks, assign read­ings, set dead­lines, mon­i­tor stu­dent progress, and dri­ve bet­ter outcomes.

Your stu­dents get an engag­ing learn­ing expe­ri­ence in the Leg­en­tibus app, where they can read and lis­ten to Latin sto­ries, text­books, and literature.

Stay on top of who is strug­gling and who is excelling with at-a-glance insights, so you can pro­vide sup­port right when stu­dents need it most.

Empower your students with comprehensible input

Designed for High School, High­er Edu­ca­tion, and Pri­vate Tutors — Unit­ing Latin Edu­ca­tors Across Levels

  • Assign books and sto­ries that align with your student’s read­ing lev­els and interests
  • Eas­i­ly imple­ment an exten­sive read­ing program
  • Keep track of your stu­dents’ progress with ease


How it works


Leg­en­tibus for Edu­ca­tors inte­grates per­fect­ly with the Leg­en­tibus app to sim­pli­fy assign­ment cre­ation and class man­age­ment. Eas­i­ly find and assign engag­ing read­ing and lis­ten­ing tasks to your stu­dents with ease. Seam­less­ly track their progress and guide their learn­ing jour­ney.


1. Create Class

Start by cre­at­ing your class. Import your stu­dent list in sec­onds with our user-friend­ly interface.

2. Create Assignment

Two types

  • Assign spe­cif­ic texts (or parts of them)
  • Set assign­ments based on the num­ber of words read or min­utes studied

3. Student receives assignment

Two types

  • The assign­ments you cre­ate will appear as attrac­tive cards on your stu­dents’ Leg­en­tibus app.
  • Tap­ping on the card takes the stu­dent to the assignment

4. Monitor student progress

Assignment status & reading stats

  • Keep track of your stu­dents’ progress with ease.
  • View the total amount of words and min­utes each stu­dent has studied
  • Iden­ti­fy those who may need extra support

Student reading experience

Ignite a Love for Latin with an Immersive Reading Experience

Two types

  • Your stu­dents can com­pre­hend and enjoy a wide range of Latin sto­ries, text­books, and literature.
  • Access to built-in glos­saries, Eng­lish trans­la­tions, and com­men­taries enhances understanding.
  • Lis­ten­ing to the mate­r­i­al pro­vides a more immer­sive learn­ing expe­ri­ence for your students.

Let’s Get Started

Transform Your Latin Classroom with Legentibus 

Expe­ri­ence a new era of Latin teach­ing with Leg­en­tibus for Edu­ca­tors. Engage your stu­dents with immer­sive Latin read­ing assign­ments and keep track of their progress. Make the change today and watch your stu­dents thrive.