Legentibus for Educators
Transform Your Latin Teaching Experience
Equip your stuÂdents with a mobile library of Latin texts with synÂchroÂnized audio. Assign speÂcifÂic books or readÂing goals and monÂiÂtor each stuÂdenÂt’s progress in real time.
- From beginÂners to advanced: suitÂable for all your students
- IdeÂal for in-class teachÂing and remote learning
- Wide range of mateÂriÂals: stoÂries, textÂbooks, and literature
Assign and monitor all in one place
As an eduÂcaÂtor, you have enough to worÂry about. Now, in just a few clicks, assign readÂings, set deadÂlines, monÂiÂtor stuÂdent progress, and driÂve betÂter outcomes.
Your stuÂdents get an engagÂing learnÂing expeÂriÂence in the LegÂenÂtibus app, where they can read and lisÂten to Latin stoÂries, textÂbooks, and literature.
Stay on top of who is strugÂgling and who is excelling with at-a-glance insights, so you can proÂvide supÂport right when stuÂdents need it most.
Empower your students with comprehensible input
Designed for High School, HighÂer EduÂcaÂtion, and PriÂvate Tutors — UnitÂing Latin EduÂcaÂtors Across Levels
- Assign books and stoÂries that align with your student’s readÂing levÂels and interests
- EasÂiÂly impleÂment an extenÂsive readÂing program
- Keep track of your stuÂdents’ progress with ease
How it works
LegÂenÂtibus for EduÂcaÂtors inteÂgrates perÂfectÂly with the LegÂenÂtibus app to simÂpliÂfy assignÂment creÂation and class manÂageÂment. EasÂiÂly find and assign engagÂing readÂing and lisÂtenÂing tasks to your stuÂdents with ease. SeamÂlessÂly track their progress and guide their learnÂing jourÂney.
1. Create Class
Start by creÂatÂing your class. Import your stuÂdent list in secÂonds with our user-friendÂly interface.
2. Create Assignment
Two types
- Assign speÂcifÂic texts (or parts of them)
- Set assignÂments based on the numÂber of words read or minÂutes studied
3. Student receives assignment
Two types
- The assignÂments you creÂate will appear as attracÂtive cards on your stuÂdents’ LegÂenÂtibus app.
- TapÂping on the card takes the stuÂdent to the assignment
4. Monitor student progress
Assignment status & reading stats
- Keep track of your stuÂdents’ progress with ease.
- View the total amount of words and minÂutes each stuÂdent has studied
- IdenÂtiÂfy those who may need extra support
Student reading experience
Ignite a Love for Latin with an Immersive Reading Experience
Two types
- Your stuÂdents can comÂpreÂhend and enjoy a wide range of Latin stoÂries, textÂbooks, and literature.
- Access to built-in glosÂsaries, EngÂlish transÂlaÂtions, and comÂmenÂtaries enhances understanding.
- LisÂtenÂing to the mateÂrÂiÂal proÂvides a more immerÂsive learnÂing expeÂriÂence for your students.
Let’s Get Started
Transform Your Latin Classroom with Legentibus
ExpeÂriÂence a new era of Latin teachÂing with LegÂenÂtibus for EduÂcaÂtors. Engage your stuÂdents with immerÂsive Latin readÂing assignÂments and keep track of their progress. Make the change today and watch your stuÂdents thrive.