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Learn Latin

Here, you'll find everything you need to know about how to learn Latin, whether you’re looking to get started with Latin, or guides to improve your Latin reading and speaking.

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“Learn Latin”
The Legentibus Reading Method: How to read a Latin TEXT to maximize learning

The Legentibus Reading Method: How to read a Latin TEXT to maximize learning

Here is what we have found to be the best way to read a Latin text whether beginner or advanced inside or outside of Legentibus (our app with loads of Latin texts for all levels with text synced with audio an in-book dictionaries).
The Supine in Latin Grammar: What it is and What its Function is

The Supine in Latin Grammar: What it is and What its Function is

Among Latin’s many verb forms, the supine, causes students quite a lot of confusion. In this article, I will ...
How to start speaking Latin: the first daily exercise

How to start speaking Latin: the first daily exercise

Do you want to learn to read Latin well—without looking for the verb or checking the dictionary every other ...
How to Read and Study Classical Latin Texts: 10 Suggestions from a Latin Teacher

How to Read and Study Classical Latin Texts: 10 Suggestions from a Latin Teacher

For most students of Latin, learning Latin means sooner or later reading classical Latin literature. However, ...
Can Latin be Spoken? Common questions answered by a Latin speaker

Can Latin be Spoken? Common questions answered by a Latin speaker

The Pantheon and Colosseum, both monuments of Ancient Rome, are still standing. But an even more enduring Roman ...
What are the best Latin-English dictionaries for Learning Latin?

What are the best Latin-English dictionaries for Learning Latin?

What is the best Latin dictionary? There is no “best” dictionary because it depends on your needs. In this article ...
Is there a translation of Familia Romana?

Is there a translation of Familia Romana?

I have been teaching Latin using a combination of spoken Latin and traditional methods for over twelve years, both ...
Teaching yourself Latin vs having a Latin teacher: pros and cons

Teaching yourself Latin vs having a Latin teacher: pros and cons

One of the first things you have to decide once you've made the great decision to learn Latin is whether you ...
First day of learning Latin: what to do

First day of learning Latin: what to do

You've decided to learn Latin? Fantastic! That is one of the best decisions you'll ever make, believe me! ...