Practice your Latin

The 200th Member Video (in Latin)!

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Every week we pub­lish new videos in Latin on our mem­ber­ship site – every­thing from week­ly mes­sages where Daniel talks a lit­tle bit about the past week or about some Latin tip he wants to share, to Video lessons explain­ing a text or an expression.

Now we just pub­lished our 200th mem­ber video!

Usu­al­ly, this would be a video for our mem­bers Sodales Torquati and Sodales Lau­re­ati. How­ev­er, since it is the 200th video, we want­ed to cel­e­brate by invit­ing every­one to see it.

We also want to take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to thank every­one that sup­ports us. Thank you! You are fan­tas­tic, and we would not be able to run Latini­tium were it not for you!


It is a pre­mi­um chan­nel and a pri­vate com­mu­ni­ty to help mem­bers learn and enjoy Latin. As a mem­ber, you get access to 200 videos in Latin. Here’s an overview:

  • Easy Sto­ries,
  • a week­ly vlog in Latin,
  • ear­ly access to audio­books as we record them,
  • Video lessons in Latin, and much more.

There are four month­ly mem­ber­ship tiers each with dif­fer­ent learn­ing mate­r­i­al: Sodales pal­liati ($1), Sodales torquati ($5), Sodales lor­i­cati ($9), Sodales lau­re­ati ($15).

The first lev­el gives you week­ly vlogs in Latin, the sec­ond, easy sto­ries, the third, video lessons in Latin (inter­me­di­ate-advanced), the fourth, ear­ly access to audio­books as they are record­ed. All high­er lev­els include the mate­r­i­al from the ones below.

Check out the Direc­to­ry of Latin Audio and Video to get a good grasp of what you can find on the site.

The mem­ber­ship is also a way to sup­port Latinitium’s work, and, were it not for our mem­bers, we would not be able to continue. 

If you’re curi­ous about the mem­ber­ship, you can learn more about it – and join – here.

Daniel Pettersson

Daniel Pettersson

Teacher and author Daniel Pettersson, M.A., is co-founder of Latinitium and is currently teaching Latin at Stockholm University, where he is also working on his Ph.D. dissertation on Humanist Colloquia. Daniel believes in the importance of Latin literature in the modern world and that you can teach yourself Latin with the right motivation, method, and material.
Written by Daniel Pettersson

Written by Daniel Pettersson

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