Through the years, in my difÂferÂent lanÂguage learnÂing endeavÂors, I’ve always marÂveled at how much I have been able to improve my overÂall abilÂiÂty in a lanÂguage (espeÂcialÂly French) through simÂply lisÂtenÂing to as much (levÂel approÂpriÂate) conÂtent as posÂsiÂble in the tarÂget lanÂguage, every day.
The last few years I’ve been on the look out for any and all videos of skilled Latin speakÂers to lisÂten to. Not too long ago the numÂber of videos availÂable was not that extensive.
LuckÂiÂly things are changÂing: the amount of recordÂings of speechÂes and lecÂtures held in Latin is increasÂing rapidÂly, makÂing exposÂing ourÂselves to immense amounts Latin easÂiÂer than ever.
Adding More Latin Audio
I’ve colÂlectÂed videos from all over YouTube into a playlist to watch/listen to and I thought I would share it. It conÂtains videos of LuiÂgi Miraglia, NanÂcy Llewellyn, TerÂence TunÂberg, VilÂfried Stroh and many more. It is by no means comÂplete, but I have tried to include what I have found thus far.
Thanks to the increasÂing numÂber of talks, conÂferÂences, and sumÂmer coursÂes, I have been able to grow the numÂber of hours in the playlist to over 70 hours of spoÂken Latin.
For addiÂtionÂal lisÂtenÂing see our Latin audio archive
Make Listening to Latin a Habit
LisÂtenÂing to a lanÂguage you’re learnÂing is one of the best ways to improve: it’s like physÂiÂcal exerÂcise, the benÂeÂfits are numerÂous, e.g. it forces you to underÂstand the morÂpholÂoÂgy, synÂtax, and vocabÂuÂlary in real time; it trains you to anticÂiÂpate the lanÂguage. In all my lanÂguage learnÂing endeavÂors, I’ve always found that I make the greatÂest (and easÂiÂest) progress by lisÂtenÂing to as much (levÂel approÂpriÂate) conÂtent as posÂsiÂble in the tarÂget lanÂguage, every day.
SugÂgestÂed readÂing: How to Learn Latin: MotiÂvaÂtion, Goals, and habits
I sugÂgest makÂing it into a habit to watch or lisÂten to one or two of these videos of peoÂple speakÂing Latin, every day. As I’ve writÂten about here, a litÂtle time spent lisÂtenÂing or readÂing Latin every day leads to masÂsive results in a year.
Playlist Content
The playlist conÂsists of videos of talks and lecÂtures givÂen by some of the best Latin speakÂers in the world, among othÂer peoÂple, it conÂtains videos of LuiÂgi Miraglia, NanÂcy Llewellyn, TerÂence TunÂberg, VilÂfried Stroh and many more.
Many talks have been recordÂed with cell phones resultÂing in, at times, quite bad audio. But the Latin is still audible.
Playback Speed
Some of the speakÂers’ Latin may be a bit too fast if you aren’t used to hearÂing a lot of Latin. In that case, I recÂomÂmend using the difÂferÂent playÂback speeds that YouTube offers. To change playÂback speed select (in the YouTube player):
- setÂtings (the cog wheel) > speed
You can click the thumbÂnail below to access the spoÂken Latin playlist!