- What Is An ImmerÂsion ProÂgram In Latin?
- FindÂing The Right Program
- Date & DuraÂtion: When And How Long?
- Where Is The Program?
- How Much Do CoursÂes Cost?
- RestricÂtions And Prerequisites
- What Is The Curriculum?
- Ask Online About The Program
- Where Can I Find A Latin SumÂmer ImmerÂsion Course?
- AddiÂtionÂal Suggestions:
More and more schools embrace using Latin comÂmuÂnicaÂtiveÂly to make learnÂing Latin more effecÂtive and enjoyÂable. DurÂing the sumÂmer, there are even immerÂsion coursÂes where stuÂdents spend days or weeks togethÂer, takÂing classÂes and speakÂing only Latin.
HavÂing taught in sevÂerÂal such proÂgrams, I have heard firstÂhand about the difÂfiÂculÂties of findÂing the right course. In this artiÂcle, I will help you find the best one for your situation.
To find the best sumÂmer immerÂsion course in Latin for you, conÂsidÂer the folÂlowÂing questions:
- When and how long is the program?
- Where is the proÂgram located?
- What is the price? Are there scholÂarÂships or stuÂdent discounts?
- What is includÂed in the price?
- What are the preÂreqÂuiÂsites: age and Latin ability?
- What is the curÂricuÂlum like?
- What do parÂticÂiÂpants from preÂviÂous years say about the program?
There’s a lot to conÂsidÂer when decidÂing what proÂgram to go for.
Let’s go through the most imporÂtant aspects to conÂsidÂer when choosÂing one.
What Is An Immersion Program In Latin?
First, let’s go a litÂtle deepÂer into what these sumÂmer immerÂsion coursÂes are and what their purÂpose is.
In traÂdiÂtionÂal Latin proÂgrams, stuÂdents spend most of their time learnÂing gramÂmar and transÂlatÂing from Latin into their lanÂguage. Although this method has its merÂits, it is limÂitÂed, excludÂing many of the fasÂciÂnatÂing and benÂeÂfiÂcial activÂiÂties comÂmon in modÂern lanÂguage classrooms.
The Latin sumÂmer immerÂsion coursÂes we are disÂcussing here are very difÂferÂent from traÂdiÂtionÂal Latin proÂgrams and are a perÂfect comÂpleÂment to conÂvenÂtionÂal methods.
You are perÂhaps familÂiar with immerÂsion proÂgrams in modÂern lanÂguages, where peoÂple use only the lanÂguage they are studyÂing to comÂmuÂniÂcate. This is the basic idea of Latin proÂgrams as well, but perÂhaps with a litÂtle more focus on readÂing and literature.
Most immerÂsion proÂgrams in Latin take place over a week or a bit more. StuÂdents and teachÂers often live togethÂer on camÂpus or in a largÂer house. DurÂing the week, there are lessons in Latin, readÂings, and ample time for socialÂizÂing in Latin, with games, dinÂners, and parties–where everyÂone speaks Latin.
The purÂpose of these immerÂsion coursÂes is to help stuÂdents interÂnalÂize as much as posÂsiÂble of the lanÂguage through conÂstant expoÂsure to the synÂtax, morÂpholÂoÂgy, and lexÂiÂcon of Latin—all while havÂing fun and getÂting to know peoÂple with simÂiÂlar interests.
Finding The Right Program
There are many things to conÂsidÂer when decidÂing on an immerÂsion proÂgram. Let’s start.
Date & Duration: When And How Long?
The first thing to conÂsidÂer is when you would like to parÂticÂiÂpate in a proÂgram. There are Latin sumÂmer immerÂsion proÂgrams from earÂly June to late August and September.
Next, conÂsidÂer how long you would like the proÂgram to be. Here too, there are sigÂnifÂiÂcant difÂferÂences; some run for a weekÂend, while othÂers one, two, or even three weeks. Here you should not only conÂsidÂer if you have the time in your schedÂule but also if you think you would like to spend e.g., two or three weeks speakÂing only Latin. Many treat these proÂgrams as a subÂstiÂtute for vacaÂtions but rememÂber that they can be very taxÂing if you are not used to speakÂing Latin.
Let’s say you’d like a one-week proÂgram in July. The quesÂtion is then where?
Where Is The Program?
The majorÂiÂty of Latin sumÂmer coursÂes in spoÂken Latin are in the UnitÂed States and Europe. There are also coursÂes in CenÂtral and South America.
If you can afford it, conÂsidÂer attendÂing a Latin immerÂsion course abroad because comÂbinÂing speakÂing Latin with disÂcovÂerÂing a new counÂtry and culÂture is a fanÂtasÂtic experience.
Rural vs. Urban
When lookÂing at difÂferÂent places, you might also conÂsidÂer if you’d preÂfer the course to be in an urban or rurÂal area. Some coursÂes are on uniÂverÂsiÂty camÂpusÂes close to or in cities, while othÂer proÂgrams take place in rurÂal areas. The latÂter is betÂter if you want to creÂate a truÂly immerÂsive expeÂriÂence where you have no interÂacÂtion with lanÂguages othÂer than Latin. Such 100% Latin immerÂsion is more chalÂlengÂing to achieve if there are restauÂrants and cafes close by since parÂticÂiÂpants will tend to visÂit them soonÂer or later :).
Since some proÂgrams are in rurÂal areas, make sure you can get there. Use Google Maps to see how to get there, and if you would need to have a car. In such casÂes, many proÂgrams try to coorÂdiÂnate with parÂticÂiÂpants and proÂvide transÂportaÂtion from the nearÂest airÂport or city.
Next, it’s time to conÂsidÂer the price of the sumÂmer course.
How Much Do Courses Cost?
The prices of these Latin sumÂmer proÂgrams vary wideÂly, rangÂing from a few hunÂdred dolÂlars to a few thouÂsand dolÂlars. CoursÂes in the UnitÂed States and WestÂern Europe tend to be the most expensive.
Note that the price depends not only on the locaÂtion and duraÂtion but also on what is includÂed. Many proÂgrams include tuition, housÂing, and someÂtimes even food, in their price, while othÂers include only tuition. Make sure you ask what is included!
Reducing Cost
To reduce expensÂes, rememÂber to see if you have friends or relÂaÂtives nearÂby with whom you could stay. AnothÂer way of reducÂing costs, espeÂcialÂly for stuÂdents, is to apply for scholÂarÂships. VarÂiÂous assoÂciÂaÂtions workÂing to proÂmote clasÂsics offer scholÂarÂships, and someÂtimes the schools offerÂing the immerÂsion coursÂes have their own scholarships.
If you are a teacher, some schools allow teachÂers to take these coursÂes as proÂfesÂsionÂal develÂopÂment. Make sure to ask what is possible!
AnothÂer way to reduce costs is to ask if you could help out with the orgaÂniÂzaÂtion of the course or any othÂer way to get a reduced course fee.
Refund Policy
Since some coursÂes cost quite a lot of monÂey, it might be a good idea to ask if there is a refund polÂiÂcy in case someÂthing comes up and you can’t attend the program.
Restrictions And Prerequisites
RememÂber to find out if the proÂgram has an age limÂit; do you have to be 18, 21, or 65? Most proÂgrams are for adults, so underÂage stuÂdents would not have any dedÂiÂcatÂed superÂviÂsion from staff. There are, howÂevÂer, proÂgrams for younger stuÂdents of high school age, but these are fewÂer. As with everyÂthing else, write to the orgaÂnizÂers and ask. If they get many requests for a group for younger stuÂdents, perÂhaps they can orgaÂnize a sepÂaÂrate event taiÂlored to them.
Latin Experience
A critÂiÂcal thing to ask is what the preÂreqÂuiÂsite Latin levÂel is, i.e., how much Latin should you know? How much Latin speakÂing expeÂriÂence should you have?
There are someÂtimes difÂferÂent groups for difÂferÂent levÂels. It can be a very stressÂful expeÂriÂence if you end up in a group where your abilÂiÂty to express yourÂself and underÂstand is far below that of the othÂers. It is often hard for orgaÂnizÂers to define the necÂesÂsary preÂreqÂuiÂsite abilÂiÂty because stuÂdents often difÂfer from year to year. But make sure you get a clear idea of the Latin levÂel of parÂticÂiÂpants of preÂviÂous years.
That being said, rememÂber that it is a learnÂing expeÂriÂence, so you don’t have to be Cicero!
What Is The Curriculum?
Many Classes, Or Much Free Time?
There are great difÂferÂences between proÂgrams in terms of how the day-to-day of the proÂgram looks. Make sure to look at the schedÂule or write and ask so that you know what to expect when you get there. Ask what the day-to-day activÂiÂties are.
Some proÂgrams have a heavy course load, with many hours of classÂes each day, while othÂers have fewÂer classÂes and focus more on learnÂing through disÂcusÂsion and socializing.
Ask Online About The Program
Find Students Who Have Participated
FinalÂly, the best is to find peoÂple who have already parÂticÂiÂpatÂed and to ask them. You can easÂiÂly find peoÂple in the spoÂken Latin groups on FaceÂbook or TwitÂter. Just leave a post askÂing about peoÂples’ expeÂriÂence in a parÂticÂuÂlar Latin proÂgram. It’s a good idea to ask sevÂerÂal peoÂple about their expeÂriÂence of a speÂcifÂic proÂgram, as it is very subÂjecÂtive, and the proÂgrams change from year to year.
Where Can I Find A Latin Summer Immersion Course?
Now that you know what to conÂsidÂer when choosÂing a proÂgram, you are ready to pick a course! As menÂtioned, there are Latin sumÂmer immerÂsion coursÂes in many difÂferÂent counÂtries, and it can be hard to find out about them. That’s why we have comÂpiled a list of sumÂmer coursÂes. Note that we have to affilÂiÂaÂtion with any of them.
Additional Suggestions:
LisÂten to Latin. One of the most shockÂing aspects of attendÂing a spoÂken Latin immerÂsion course for the first time is that you have to process Latin in real-time. There’s no posÂsiÂbilÂiÂty of lookÂing back at the subÂject or skipÂping to the verb. You can always ask the othÂer perÂson to repeat! An excelÂlent way to preÂpare is to get into the habit of lisÂtenÂing to Latin. To get into the habit, you can watch video lessons all in Latin pubÂlished every week here.
Go with a friend. ParÂticÂiÂpatÂing in an immerÂsion proÂgram for the first time can be a fanÂtasÂtic expeÂriÂence, but someÂtimes also stressÂful. A great way to reduce stress can be to parÂticÂiÂpate togethÂer with a friend. That way, you can also preÂpare and perÂhaps get used to speakÂing Latin in the months leadÂing up to the proÂgram. If you can’t perÂsuade a friend to parÂticÂiÂpate, go to one of the Latin groups on FaceÂbook, and get to know othÂer peoÂple parÂticÂiÂpatÂing in the same program.
Speak Latin. Make sure you try to speak Latin before you attend the sumÂmer course so that the first time you do it, it’s not entireÂly new to you, and you can feel more conÂfiÂdent. PracÂtice speakÂing Latin to yourÂself or with othÂers in conÂverÂsaÂtion groups online and offline.
PreÂpare. In many proÂgrams, classÂes will focus on a set numÂber of texts or topÂics. To preÂpare, you can ask the orgaÂnizÂers which these are and study the texts, and perÂhaps learn the vocabÂuÂlary relÂeÂvant for the cenÂtral topÂics of the course. OrgaÂnizÂing sumÂmer proÂgrams is often a colosÂsal task, and freÂquentÂly underÂstaffed, so it’s a good idea to wait a while to allow them to decide on the course material.
Good luck! I hope you find a great Latin proÂgram and that you have a blast and learn a lot! Bene vale!