
Global Presets UI Style Guide

01. Color palette

In this part of the style guide, you can mod­i­fy each col­or inside the Text Mod­ule’s back­ground set­tings. Use that same col­or code inside the Text Mod­ule below it to have a writ­ten ver­sion of the col­or code too. Use these col­or codes inside your Divi Theme Builder default col­or palette afterward.











02. Text styles

In the sec­ond part of this style guide wire­frame, you can style your dif­fer­ent text types. You’re also pro­vid­ed with a pri­ma­ry, sec­ondary and ter­tiary option, each of which you can after­wards turn into indi­vid­ual presets.

Light cen­tered

Light left

Dark cen­tered

Dark left

Heading 1

Heading 1

Heading 1

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 2

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 3


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, con­secte­tur adip­isc­ing elit, sed do eius­mod tem­por inci­didunt ut labore et dolore magna ali­qua. Ut enim ad min­im veni­am, quis nos­trud exerci­ta­tion ullam­co laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea com­mo­do consequat.


  • Lorum Ipsum
  • Lorum Ipsum
  • Lorum Ipsum
  • Lorum Ipsum
  • Lorum Ipsum
  • Lorum Ipsum
  • Lorum Ipsum
  • Lorum Ipsum
  • Lorum Ipsum

All in one

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Lorum ipsum dolor sit amet.

  • Lorum Ipsum

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Lorum ipsum dolor sit amet.

  • Lorum Ipsum

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Lorum ipsum dolor sit amet.

  • Lorum Ipsum

03. Modules

The last part of this style guide han­dles some of the most-used mod­ules inside Divi. Here, we’re also pro­vid­ing you with a pri­ma­ry, sec­ondary and ter­tiary ver­sion of each mod­ule which you can style and add as a glob­al pre­set. Feel free to cre­ate more alter­na­tive designs for each module.





Your Title Goes Here

Your con­tent goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the mod­ule Con­tent set­tings. You can also style every aspect of this con­tent in the mod­ule Design set­tings and even apply cus­tom CSS to this text in the mod­ule Advanced settings.

Your Title Goes Here

Your con­tent goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the mod­ule Con­tent set­tings. You can also style every aspect of this con­tent in the mod­ule Design set­tings and even apply cus­tom CSS to this text in the mod­ule Advanced settings.

Your Title Goes Here

Your con­tent goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the mod­ule Con­tent set­tings. You can also style every aspect of this con­tent in the mod­ule Design set­tings and even apply cus­tom CSS to this text in the mod­ule Advanced settings.

Email optin

Con­tact form

12 + 4 =

3 + 12 =

1 + 3 =


Call to action

Your Title Goes Here

Your con­tent goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the mod­ule Con­tent set­tings. You can also style every aspect of this con­tent in the mod­ule Design set­tings and even apply cus­tom CSS to this text in the mod­ule Advanced settings.

Your Title Goes Here

Your con­tent goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the mod­ule Con­tent set­tings. You can also style every aspect of this con­tent in the mod­ule Design set­tings and even apply cus­tom CSS to this text in the mod­ule Advanced settings.

Your Title Goes Here

Your con­tent goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the mod­ule Con­tent set­tings. You can also style every aspect of this con­tent in the mod­ule Design set­tings and even apply cus­tom CSS to this text in the mod­ule Advanced settings.



Name Goes Here

Name Goes Here


Your con­tent goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the mod­ule Con­tent set­tings. You can also style every aspect of this con­tent in the mod­ule Design set­tings and even apply cus­tom CSS to this text in the mod­ule Advanced settings.

Name Goes Here

Name Goes Here


Your con­tent goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the mod­ule Con­tent set­tings. You can also style every aspect of this con­tent in the mod­ule Design set­tings and even apply cus­tom CSS to this text in the mod­ule Advanced settings.

Name Goes Here

Name Goes Here


Your con­tent goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the mod­ule Con­tent set­tings. You can also style every aspect of this con­tent in the mod­ule Design set­tings and even apply cus­tom CSS to this text in the mod­ule Advanced settings.


Your Title Goes Here

Your con­tent goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the mod­ule Con­tent set­tings. You can also style every aspect of this con­tent in the mod­ule Design set­tings and even apply cus­tom CSS to this text in the mod­ule Advanced settings.

Your Title Goes Here

Your con­tent goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the mod­ule Con­tent set­tings. You can also style every aspect of this con­tent in the mod­ule Design set­tings and even apply cus­tom CSS to this text in the mod­ule Advanced settings.

Your Title Goes Here

Your con­tent goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the mod­ule Con­tent set­tings. You can also style every aspect of this con­tent in the mod­ule Design set­tings and even apply cus­tom CSS to this text in the mod­ule Advanced settings.


Your con­tent goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the mod­ule Con­tent set­tings. You can also style every aspect of this con­tent in the mod­ule Design set­tings and even apply cus­tom CSS to this text in the mod­ule Advanced settings.

Name Goes Here

Your con­tent goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the mod­ule Con­tent set­tings. You can also style every aspect of this con­tent in the mod­ule Design set­tings and even apply cus­tom CSS to this text in the mod­ule Advanced settings.

Name Goes Here

Your con­tent goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the mod­ule Con­tent set­tings. You can also style every aspect of this con­tent in the mod­ule Design set­tings and even apply cus­tom CSS to this text in the mod­ule Advanced settings.

Name Goes Here



Your Title Goes Here

Your con­tent goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the mod­ule Con­tent set­tings. You can also style every aspect of this con­tent in the mod­ule Design set­tings and even apply cus­tom CSS to this text in the mod­ule Advanced settings.

Your Title Goes Here

Your con­tent goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the mod­ule Con­tent set­tings. You can also style every aspect of this con­tent in the mod­ule Design set­tings and even apply cus­tom CSS to this text in the mod­ule Advanced settings.

Your Title Goes Here

Your con­tent goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the mod­ule Con­tent set­tings. You can also style every aspect of this con­tent in the mod­ule Design set­tings and even apply cus­tom CSS to this text in the mod­ule Advanced settings.

Your Title Goes Here

Your con­tent goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the mod­ule Con­tent set­tings. You can also style every aspect of this con­tent in the mod­ule Design set­tings and even apply cus­tom CSS to this text in the mod­ule Advanced settings.

Your Title Goes Here

Your con­tent goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the mod­ule Con­tent set­tings. You can also style every aspect of this con­tent in the mod­ule Design set­tings and even apply cus­tom CSS to this text in the mod­ule Advanced settings.

Your Title Goes Here

Your con­tent goes here. Edit or remove this text inline or in the mod­ule Con­tent set­tings. You can also style every aspect of this con­tent in the mod­ule Design set­tings and even apply cus­tom CSS to this text in the mod­ule Advanced settings.


Rare and Ancient Latin words

Rare and Ancient Latin words

Latin is an old lan­guage, a very old lan­guage. Today we might think of it as one lan­guage, frozen in time. How­ev­er, even the Romans had “old words”, words no longer in pop­u­lar use. Some authors took plea­sure in using these, while oth­ers frowned upon this. Julius…

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How to start speaking Latin: the first daily exercise

How to start speaking Latin: the first daily exercise

Do you want to learn to read Latin well—without look­ing for the verb or check­ing the dic­tio­nary every oth­er sen­tence? It is pos­si­ble to read Latin well and under­stand it with­out trans­lat­ing, although you will need com­men­taries for some lit­er­a­ture. Like most peo­ple who…

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Is there a translation of Familia Romana?

Is there a translation of Familia Romana?

I have been teach­ing Latin using a com­bi­na­tion of spo­ken Latin and tra­di­tion­al meth­ods for over twelve years, both in pri­vate lessons and at uni­ver­si­ty. The text­book I use and always rec­om­mend is Famil­ia Romana by Hans Ørberg. The book is writ­ten entire­ly in Latin,…

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First day of learning Latin: what to do

First day of learning Latin: what to do

You’ve decid­ed to learn Latin? Fan­tas­tic! That is one of the best deci­sions you’ll ever make, believe me! Read­ing and under­stand­ing the writ­ings of peo­ple from ancient Rome, the Mid­dle Ages, and the Ear­ly Mod­ern peri­od is almost time-trav­el­ing. I’ve been teaching…

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Reading Plan for learning Latin: Beginners

Reading Plan for learning Latin: Beginners

When you’ve decid­ed to learn Latin, you’re moti­vat­ed and full of goals and ambi­tions, then it is time to sit down and plan your stud­ies. Hav­ing learnt Latin myself and taught oth­ers how to learn it. I’ve put togeth­er a read­ing plan in eight (and a half) step for you…

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Rare and Ancient Latin words

Rare and Ancient Latin words

Latin is an old lan­guage, a very old lan­guage. Today we might think of it as one lan­guage, frozen in time. How­ev­er, even the Romans had “old words”, words no longer in pop­u­lar use. Some authors took plea­sure in using these, while oth­ers frowned upon this. Julius…

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How to start speaking Latin: the first daily exercise

How to start speaking Latin: the first daily exercise

Do you want to learn to read Latin well—without look­ing for the verb or check­ing the dic­tio­nary every oth­er sen­tence? It is pos­si­ble to read Latin well and under­stand it with­out trans­lat­ing, although you will need com­men­taries for some lit­er­a­ture. Like most peo­ple who…

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Is there a translation of Familia Romana?

Is there a translation of Familia Romana?

I have been teach­ing Latin using a com­bi­na­tion of spo­ken Latin and tra­di­tion­al meth­ods for over twelve years, both in pri­vate lessons and at uni­ver­si­ty. The text­book I use and always rec­om­mend is Famil­ia Romana by Hans Ørberg. The book is writ­ten entire­ly in Latin,…

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First day of learning Latin: what to do

First day of learning Latin: what to do

You’ve decid­ed to learn Latin? Fan­tas­tic! That is one of the best deci­sions you’ll ever make, believe me! Read­ing and under­stand­ing the writ­ings of peo­ple from ancient Rome, the Mid­dle Ages, and the Ear­ly Mod­ern peri­od is almost time-trav­el­ing. I’ve been teaching…

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Reading Plan for learning Latin: Beginners

Reading Plan for learning Latin: Beginners

When you’ve decid­ed to learn Latin, you’re moti­vat­ed and full of goals and ambi­tions, then it is time to sit down and plan your stud­ies. Hav­ing learnt Latin myself and taught oth­ers how to learn it. I’ve put togeth­er a read­ing plan in eight (and a half) step for you…

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Rare and Ancient Latin words

Rare and Ancient Latin words

Latin is an old lan­guage, a very old lan­guage. Today we might think of it as one lan­guage, frozen in time. How­ev­er, even the Romans had “old words”, words no longer in pop­u­lar use. Some authors took plea­sure in using these, while oth­ers frowned upon this. Julius…

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How to start speaking Latin: the first daily exercise

How to start speaking Latin: the first daily exercise

Do you want to learn to read Latin well—without look­ing for the verb or check­ing the dic­tio­nary every oth­er sen­tence? It is pos­si­ble to read Latin well and under­stand it with­out trans­lat­ing, although you will need com­men­taries for some lit­er­a­ture. Like most peo­ple who…

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Is there a translation of Familia Romana?

Is there a translation of Familia Romana?

I have been teach­ing Latin using a com­bi­na­tion of spo­ken Latin and tra­di­tion­al meth­ods for over twelve years, both in pri­vate lessons and at uni­ver­si­ty. The text­book I use and always rec­om­mend is Famil­ia Romana by Hans Ørberg. The book is writ­ten entire­ly in Latin,…

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First day of learning Latin: what to do

First day of learning Latin: what to do

You’ve decid­ed to learn Latin? Fan­tas­tic! That is one of the best deci­sions you’ll ever make, believe me! Read­ing and under­stand­ing the writ­ings of peo­ple from ancient Rome, the Mid­dle Ages, and the Ear­ly Mod­ern peri­od is almost time-trav­el­ing. I’ve been teaching…

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Reading Plan for learning Latin: Beginners

Reading Plan for learning Latin: Beginners

When you’ve decid­ed to learn Latin, you’re moti­vat­ed and full of goals and ambi­tions, then it is time to sit down and plan your stud­ies. Hav­ing learnt Latin myself and taught oth­ers how to learn it. I’ve put togeth­er a read­ing plan in eight (and a half) step for you…

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