Latin dictionaries
4 SearchÂable Latin dictionaries.About the dictionaries
The folÂlowÂing dicÂtioÂnarÂies are curÂrentÂly availÂable here on
Smith & Hall
Smith, William & Hall, Theophilus D. (1871). A CopiÂous and CritÂiÂcal EngÂlish-Latin Dictionary.
The EngÂlish-Latin dicÂtioÂnary of Smith & Hall, origÂiÂnalÂly pubÂlished in 1871 under the title A CopiÂous and CritÂiÂcal EngÂlish-Latin DicÂtioÂnary, is wideÂly regardÂed as the best and, with 29 000 headÂwords, most extenÂsive lexÂiÂcon for transÂlatÂing from EngÂlish into Latin ever writÂten. Thanks to the effort of Johan Winge, it is now, for the first time, availÂable online in a fulÂly digÂiÂtized and searchÂable form, exluÂsiveÂly here on Latinitium!
One feaÂture of this digÂiÂtal ediÂtion that we hope that our readÂers will parÂticÂuÂlarÂly enjoy is the abilÂiÂty to click on any Latin word and be rediÂrectÂed to the corÂreÂspondÂing artiÂcle in Lewis & Short. SimÂiÂlarÂly, most of the refÂerÂences are linked to the origÂiÂnal text in the Perseus DigÂiÂtal Library.
What priÂmarÂiÂly sets this dicÂtioÂnary apart from othÂer EngÂlish dicÂtioÂnarÂies of the same magÂniÂtude (notably A CopiÂous and CritÂiÂcal EngÂlish-Latin LexÂiÂcon by RidÂdle & Arnold, 1864) is the fact that Smith & Hall spent conÂsidÂerÂable effort on going back to the clasÂsiÂcal texts and reevalÂuÂatÂing the meanÂing of the Latin words and phrasÂes in their origÂiÂnal conÂtext. The proÂposed Latin transÂlaÂtions are supÂportÂed by refÂerÂences to the sources, and comÂmonÂly illusÂtratÂed with quoÂtaÂtions, both in EngÂlish transÂlaÂtion and in the origÂiÂnal Latin.
A more in-depth account of the labour that was spent by the authors on this monÂuÂmenÂtal work can be read in the origÂiÂnal prefÂace. There they also give an overview of the strucÂture of the dicÂtioÂnary artiÂcles. See also the list of abbreÂviÂaÂtions of names of authors and their works and a sepÂaÂrate list of genÂerÂal abbreÂviÂaÂtions.
Lewis & Short
Lewis, CharlÂton T. & Short, Charles. (1849). Harpers’ Latin DicÂtioÂnary: A New Latin DicÂtioÂnary FoundÂed on the TransÂlaÂtion of Freund’s Latin-GerÂman Lexicon.
The Latin-EngÂlish DicÂtioÂnary of Lewis & Short hardÂly needs an introÂducÂtion, for anyÂone who speaks EngÂlish and studÂies Latin is likeÂly to have conÂsultÂed it on sevÂerÂal occaÂsions, either in print, or, perÂhaps more likeÂly these days, using a web site or a smart-phone app.
In order to easÂiÂer invesÂtiÂgate the meanÂing of quotÂed Latin senÂtences, each Latin word is a link to the corÂreÂspondÂing dicÂtioÂnary article.
Horae Latinae: Studies In Synonyms and Syntax
Ogilvie, Robert. (1901). Horae LatiÂnae: StudÂies in SynÂonyms and Syntax.
Here you will find almost 500 EngÂlish words and expresÂsions with detailed descripÂtions of how to best renÂder them in Latin, and with copiÂous quotes from clasÂsiÂcal authors illusÂtratÂing the usage.
The proÂposed Latin transÂlaÂtions are linked to the corÂreÂspondÂing artiÂcles in Lewis & Short.
Döderlein’s Handbook of Latin synonyms
DöderÂlein, LudÂwig. (1874). HandÂbook of Latin Synonyms.
This is the EngÂlish verÂsion of LudÂwig Döderlein’s HandÂbuch der LateinisÂchen SynÂonymik, which is an abridged verÂsion of his monÂuÂmenÂtal 6‑volume LateinisÂche SynÂonyme und EtyÂmoloÂgieen (1826–1838). In 550 artiÂcles, the finÂer nuances in meanÂing of nearÂly 2 400 Latin words are disÂcussed. The handÂbook briefly states the difÂferÂences between the Latin words while leavÂing out the reaÂsonÂing and arguÂments for estabÂlishÂing them, which are present in the full work. FreÂquentÂly, the artiÂcles will end with a link to the full origÂiÂnal GerÂman text, for those who are curiÂous to invesÂtiÂgate the issue further.
Used in conÂjuncÂtion with the othÂer dicÂtioÂnarÂies here, this is an invaluÂable resource for deterÂminÂing the difÂferÂence between apparÂent synÂonyms in Latin. As in the othÂer dicÂtioÂnarÂies, the Latin words are linked to their corÂreÂspondÂing artiÂcles in Lewis & Short.