Learn Latin

Which are the Best Books for Learning Latin?

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Which are the best books for learn­ing Latin? Which text­book or dic­tio­nary should I use? Are there any oth­er books to con­sid­er? These are ques­tions stu­dents ask me every year, so here are my rec­om­men­da­tions for any­one learn­ing Latin.

There are count­less books out there, some pop­u­lar, some unknown, or for­got­ten, and how do you know if any of them are any good? I’ve tried vir­tu­al­ly all of them with stu­dents and for learn­ing myself and found the best ones—with some room for bias—and I thought I’d share them with you. Note that there are numer­ous oth­er great books to choose from; these are the ones I pre­fer, use, and recommend. 

I’ve divid­ed this guide into four parts: 

  • Latin text­books
  • Latin read­ers
  • Latin dic­tio­nar­ies
  • Latin prose com­po­si­tions books

Let’s begin!

Best Textbooks For Learning Latin

These are the best text­books on the mar­ket to start learn­ing and mas­ter­ing Latin. I rec­om­mend you get sev­er­al books and work through them to build a large vocabulary.

Familia Romana (Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata I)

Hans Ørberg

Famil­ia Romana is by far the best book to get a strong foun­da­tion in Latin. I used it myself to learn Latin. I also use it in teach­ing and it’s the book I always rec­om­mend first when asked. 

Famil­ia Romana is entire­ly writ­ten in Latin and takes you from sen­tences like “Roma in Italia est” to longer inter­me­di­ate texts. Mar­gin­al notes and images help explain new words with­out trans­lat­ing. The book cen­ters around a Roman fam­i­ly but adds in some clas­si­cal Latin texts towards the end. This is where to start. 

Sug­gest­ed read­ing: First day of learn­ing Latin: what to do

Who should read Famil­ia Romana?

Every­one who is learn­ing Latin should read Famil­ia Romana.

Exercitia Latina I: Exercises for Familia Romana, (Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata I)

Hans Ørberg

Exerci­tia Lati­na I is the exer­cise book cre­at­ed for Famil­ia Romana. It is not tech­ni­cal­ly a text­book, but it is a great com­pli­ment to Famil­ia Romana. And, while Famil­ia Romana by itself is a fan­tas­tic book, the exer­cise book pro­vides you with count­less oppor­tu­ni­ties to drill the text­book’s mor­phol­o­gy, syn­tax, and vocab­u­lary. When I learned Latin many years ago, I went through the exer­cis­es in this book many times, both in writ­ing and orally. 

Colloquia Personarum, (Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata I)

Hans Ørberg

Col­lo­quia Per­son­arum is a book of dia­logues writ­ten so that each dia­logue cor­re­sponds to the sto­ry and dif­fi­cul­ty to a par­tic­u­lar chap­ter in Famil­ia Romana. It does­n’t stand on its own as a text­book, as it is writ­ten as a com­ple­ment to Famil­ia Romana. How­ev­er, if you study this book in com­bi­na­tion with Famil­ia Romana and the Exerci­tia Lati­na I dili­gent­ly, you will devel­op a per­fect foun­da­tion, so that you will nev­er have to think about end­ings and basic gram­mar again—you will know it instinc­tive­ly. The three in com­bi­na­tion make for the best text­book trio there is. 

Assimil Le Latin Sans Peine

Clé­ment Desessard

Assim­il, Le Latin sans peine is a fun and great book, con­struct­ed with a very dif­fer­ent phi­los­o­phy than Famil­ia Romana. It con­sists of 101 dia­logues in Latin with a par­al­lel trans­la­tion in French (it is also avail­able in Ital­ian as Assim­il Il Lati­no sen­za sfor­zo, and Ger­man as Latein ohne Mühe). Some of the dia­logues are sil­ly con­ver­sa­tions in every­day sit­u­a­tions, while oth­ers are pas­sages tak­en from Latin lit­er­a­ture, from Plau­tus to an ear­ly mod­ern apothe­cary oath. Each dia­logue also comes with notes on gram­mar and vocabulary.

The pur­pose of this book here is to have some fun while learn­ing. The bite-sized for­mat of each les­son makes it per­fect for short­er study sessions.

To get the most out of Assim­il, you need to lis­ten to the record­ings of all the dia­logues repeat­ed­ly to start devel­op­ing an intu­itive under­stand­ing of Latin.

Assim­il Le Latin Sans Peine is best used in con­junc­tion with a com­plete foun­da­tion­al course in Latin like Famil­ia Romana. This way, you get a strong foun­da­tion from FR while at the same time dis­cov­er inter­est­ing pas­sages from two mil­len­nia of Latin literature. 

Note: There is anoth­er Latin text­book from Assim­il by Isabelle Ducos-Fil­ip­pi. I do not rec­om­mend this one; get the one by Clé­ment Desessard.

Who should read Assim­il Le Latin Sans Peine?

If you are not com­fort­able with a book entire­ly writ­ten in Latin and wish to have a trans­la­tion, then Assim­il is the book for you.

Although the trans­la­tions and com­ments are in French, you could still get a lot out of the book by read­ing and lis­ten­ing to the dia­logues. With­out the French notes and trans­la­tions, you should per­haps wait until you have a foun­da­tion in Latin. 

It is also the book for you if you have already used the Assim­il series when learn­ing anoth­er lan­guage and found it worked for you. How­ev­er, I strong­ly rec­om­mend you use Assim­il Le Latin sans peine in con­junc­tion with Famil­ia Romana to get the most out of both of them. 

Best Latin Readers

What is a Latin reader?

Latin read­ers is a genre of usu­al­ly short­er books pop­u­lar in the 19th and ear­ly 20th cen­turies. They were meant to bridge the gap between basic stud­ies and read­ing clas­si­cal lit­er­a­ture. Some con­sist of selec­tions from the clas­si­cal canon, while oth­ers con­tain orig­i­nal or adapt­ed Latin. Here we are talk­ing about the lat­ter of the two. Note that there are count­less Latin read­ers, and here we only cite a hand­ful of the best. 

Why do you need a reader? Isn’t a textbook enough? 

A good text­book, like Famil­ia Romana, will teach you a good deal of the most fre­quent aspects of Latin in terms of vocab­u­lary and gram­mar. How­ev­er, to progress, you need to read more Latin beyond the text­book. Read­ers are a great way to encounter a wider range of vocabulary—and also sub­ject matter.

Below you’ll find the best Latin read­ers, or books, for exten­sive read­ing. They dif­fer in lev­el and scope. I’ve not­ed below each book when it is suit­able, or pos­si­ble even, to read them. For the best result, you should strive to read them all, many times. 

Fabulae Syrae

Fab­u­lae Syrae con­tains myths and sto­ries from the clas­si­cal world retold in inter­me­di­ate Latin. Each sto­ry cor­re­sponds to a chap­ter in the sec­ond half of Famil­ia Romana and thus is a per­fect com­pan­ion to that book. 

It’s also a great way to learn about the myths of the clas­si­cal world that were ever-present in the minds of the Roman authors who had been steeped in them from childhood.

When can you read Fab­u­lae Syrae?

I have my stu­dents study Famil­ia Romana with a step-by-step method, and when they’ve fin­ished the first half of the book, they start read­ing Fab­u­lae Syrae as well. This is the way to go, as Fab­u­lae Syrae will rein­force the mate­r­i­al of the cor­re­spond­ing chap­ter in Famil­ia Romana while also adding new vocabulary.

Ritchie’s Fabulae Faciles

Frank Ritchie

Ritchie’s Fab­u­lae Faciles is a clas­sic Latin read­er from the 19th cen­tu­ry. It is an enter­tain­ing book to read, with sto­ries about Her­cules, Odysseus, Perseus, and Jason and the Argonauts. 

Fab­u­lae Faciles was writ­ten to pro­vide learn­ers with a step­ping stone to Cae­sar’s De Bel­lo Gal­li­co, which has tra­di­tion­al­ly been the first Roman text stu­dents read. For this rea­son, it is writ­ten in a straight­for­ward style, with fre­quent use of the most com­mon turns of phras­es from Cae­sar, e.g., his rebus con­sti­tutis (“Hav­ing decid­ed upon these things”). If you read and re-read this, you will build your vocab­u­lary and knowl­edge about the myths of the clas­si­cal world.

You can find an edi­tion which has Latin text with fac­ing vocab­u­lary and com­men­tary here. 

When can you read Ritchie’s Fab­u­lae Faciles?

If you have worked through Famil­ia Romana method­i­cal­ly and dili­gent­ly, you will be able to read Fab­u­lae Faciles com­fort­ably. The best thing to do is to read Fab­u­lae Syrae first as there will be a lot of over­lap­ping vocab­u­lary and sub­ject mat­ter. Then you con­tin­ue to Fab­u­lae Faciles; There might be some words or points of gram­mar that are dif­fi­cult in Fab­u­lae Faciles, but then you can check the glos­sary and the com­ments in this edition.

Pugio Bruti — A Crime Story in Easy Latin

Daniel Pet­ters­son, Amelie Rosen­gren

I am very biased with regards to this book, being one of its authors. It is the type of book that I wished I had myself when learn­ing Latin many years ago: an excit­ing short nov­el in a very clas­si­cal style.

Pugio Bru­ti is a crime sto­ry set in Augus­tan Rome where a young woman, Ter­en­tia, hunt’s for the truth about her father’s dag­ger. The book is writ­ten in easy but clas­si­ciz­ing Latin with a vocab­u­lary of few­er than 350 words. It comes with a full Latin-Eng­lish vocab­u­lary. To com­ple­ment the book, you can lis­ten to the audio­book ver­sion and work through the online course video course. There are also quite a few free extra resources online

When can you start read­ing Pugio Bru­ti?

I sug­gest you fin­ish at least the first half of Famil­ia Romana before you begin read­ing Pugio Bru­ti. If you feel uncer­tain of your lev­el, there is help in the form of the full Latin-Eng­lish vocab­u­lary in the book and a glos­sary (where you can find every form of the words) free online. The book also repeats words in dif­fer­ent ways so that a word you might not under­stand, to begin with, will become part of your vocab­u­lary once you’ve fin­ished the book.

Epitome Historiae Sacrae: Brevi Christi Vitae Narratione Addita

Charles Lhomond, Rober­to Carfagni

Epit­o­me His­to­ri­ae Sacrae is a 17th-cen­tu­ry Latin read­er writ­ten all in Latin with sto­ries from the Bible in an (upper) inter­me­di­ate Latin. The great vari­ety of the sto­ries will sub­stan­tial­ly enrich your vocab­u­lary while still being enjoy­able. My stu­dents enjoy this book both for the vocab­u­lary and because the famil­iar­i­ty of the sto­ries makes them much more comprehensible.

You can find an edi­tion that has mar­gin­al notes explain­ing new or dif­fi­cult words all in Latin here. This edi­tion also has var­i­ous exer­cis­es, includ­ing cross­words and matching.

When can you read Epit­o­me His­to­ri­ae Sacrae? 

Due to the large vocab­u­lary, Epit­o­me His­to­ri­ae Sacrae is more dif­fi­cult than the pre­vi­ous ones on this list. You should fin­ish (i.e., not just read­ing it once) Lin­gua Lati­na Part I: Famil­ia Romana and the exer­cise book, and you’ll be able to read Epit­o­me His­to­ri­ae Sacrae with­out too much trouble.

Ad Alpes — A Tale Of Roman Life (2017 Edition)

H. C. Nutting

Years ago, I stum­bled upon this Latin read­er, and read­ing it made me so hap­py. Ad Alpes is a unique book and, I would argue, one of the best Latin read­ers out there. It is both a nov­el with an over­ar­ch­ing nar­ra­tive and a Latin read­er with over 200-pages of sto­ries in Latin from the ancient world. Woven into the book’s nar­ra­tive, you will find count­less pas­sages from var­i­ous Latin authors, and as such, tru­ly pre­pares you for read­ing the clas­si­cal authors. 

Read­ing (or lis­ten­ing) to this book over and over again will give you a vast vocab­u­lary and a good grasp of more advanced gram­mar. It comes with a full Latin-Eng­lish vocab­u­lary and is avail­able as a paper­back, e‑book, and audio­book.

Who can read Ad Alpes? 

It is best to have a good ground­ing in Latin gram­mar and vocab­u­lary before read­ing Ad Alpes. So, read and study Fami­la Romana, Fab­u­lae Syrae, Fab­u­lae Faciles, Epit­o­me His­to­ri­ae Sacrae before you start Ad Alpes.

Roma Aeterna, (Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata II)

Hans Ørberg

Roma Aeter­na is the sec­ond vol­ume of the Lin­gua Lati­na per se illus­tra­ta series and takes the learn­er through Roman his­to­ry and myth via pas­sages from Roman his­to­ri­ans and poets such as Livy, Sal­lust, and Ovid. 

Before div­ing into Roman lit­er­a­ture, Roma Aeter­na first retells the first four books of Virgil’s Aeneid in straight-for­ward Latin prose. There­after it cov­ers cen­tral events in Roman his­to­ry through a wide vari­ety of read­ings accom­pa­nied by short expla­na­tions of gram­mar and exercises.

Who can read Roma Aeter­na?

Although Roma Aeter­na is meant to be read after Famil­ia Romana (and the ancil­lary books of the Lin­gua Lati­na Per Se Illus­tra­ta series, our stu­dents often find that there is too large a gap. 

I would there­fore sug­gest read­ing and mas­ter­ing the Latin read­ers Fab­u­lae Faciles and Epit­o­me His­to­ri­ae Sacrae before read­ing Roma Aeter­na—unless Roman his­to­ry is a pas­sion of yours. 

Fabulae Gallicae — Fairytales in Latin

Charles Per­rault (author), Lau­rent d’Aumale (trans­la­tor)

Fab­u­lae Gal­li­cae is a Latin trans­la­tion of Charles Perrault’s fairy­tales from 1697. The book con­tains eight clas­si­cal fairy­tales; Cin­derel­la, Dia­monds and Toads, Blue­beard, Lit­tle Red Rid­ing Hood, Lit­tle Thum­bling, Puss in Boots, Don­keyskin and Sleep­ing Beau­ty. How­ev­er, the fairy­tales are not the Dis­ney ver­sions of the sto­ries, which means that even though you know the sto­ries, plots and end­ings might come as a surprise.

Most read­ers and books writ­ten for Latin learn­ing favor sto­ries from Rome, antiq­ui­ty, myths, or the Bible. Fab­u­lae Gal­li­cae is, there­fore, a wel­come breath of fresh air, as it pro­vides some­thing com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent to read.

There are two ver­sions of the book: a paper­back and an e‑book. Both con­tain a glos­sary in three lan­guages: French, Eng­lish, and Spanish. 

Who can read Fab­u­lae Gal­li­cae? 

You need to be at a rather advanced lev­el to read Fab­u­lae Gal­li­cae eas­i­ly, as it is writ­ten in a high­ly clas­si­ciz­ing style. I read one of the sto­ries, Mag­ae–or, Dia­monds and Toads–in our Book Club if you are curi­ous about the lev­el. You can find the video here.

Best Latin Dictionaries

Hav­ing a good dic­tio­nary is cru­cial for learn­ing Latin, but it’s hard to know which ones are good. For a com­pre­hen­sive guide and com­par­i­son of Latin-Eng­lish dic­tio­nar­ies, read: What are the best Latin-Eng­lish dic­tio­nar­ies for Learn­ing Latin?

Below I’ve not­ed the ones I deem to be of most inter­est, both large schol­ar­ly ones and small­er ones for begin­ners and inter­me­di­ate students.

The Bantam New College Latin & English Dictionary

John Traup­man

The Ban­tam New Col­lege Latin & Eng­lish Dic­tio­nary is a pop­u­lar medi­um-sized 700-page dic­tio­nary with 70.000 words and phras­es. It also includes sec­tions that might be of use when you’re learn­ing Latin, such as pro­nun­ci­a­tion, gram­mar, his­to­ry, mythol­o­gy. It is not only a Latin-Eng­lish dic­tio­nary but has an Eng­lish-Latin sec­tion as well. Ban­tam stands out, con­tain­ing slang, vul­gar expres­sions, and neo-Latin vocabulary.

Who should use Ban­tam’s dic­tio­nary? 

The Ban­tam New Col­lege Latin & Eng­lish Dic­tio­nary is a great dic­tio­nary if you want a good all-in-one resource and be able to look up a word and get a gen­er­al idea of its mean­ing. But for read­ing clas­si­cal authors, I rec­om­mend a larg­er dictionary. 

Cassell’s (Standard) Latin Dictionary

D. P. Simpson

Cassell’s Latin Dic­tio­nary is very pop­u­lar and rather com­pre­hen­sive. Its 880 pages focus on Latin from 200 B.C. to 100 A.D. and con­tain both a Latin-Eng­lish and an Eng­lish-Latin sec­tion. What sets this dic­tio­nary apart from Ban­tam’s are the many exam­ples of usage tak­en from Latin lit­er­a­ture and a sec­tion with idiomat­ic expres­sions, which I high­ly appreciate. 

Who should use Cas­sel­l’s Latin Dic­tio­nary?

Cas­sel­l’s Latin Dic­tio­nary is excel­lent if you study Latin and read Clas­si­cal texts beyond a few sen­tences here and there. It gives most of what you need with­out being too overwhelming.

Lewis & Short (A Latin Dictionary, or Harpers’ Latin Dictionary)

Charl­ton Thomas Lewis, Charles Short

Lewis & Short is, with­out a doubt, the most com­mon­ly used Latin-Eng­lish dic­tio­nary by both learn­ers and schol­ars. It is also one of the most com­pre­hen­sive dic­tio­nar­ies with Latin from the 2nd cen­tu­ry B.C. to the 8th cen­tu­ry A.D. com­pris­ing 2000 pages with count­less exam­ples from lit­er­a­ture, notes on usage, and ety­mol­o­gy. It is also freely avail­able online.

It has been crit­i­cized through­out the years for slight inac­cu­ra­cies, both regard­ing def­i­n­i­tions and, more par­tic­u­lar­ly, to vow­el quan­ti­ties. It is still an excel­lent and impres­sive dictionary. 

Who should use Lewis & Short? 

Lewis & Short is main­ly a Latin dic­tio­nary for advanced stu­dents and schol­ars. It is also the stan­dard dic­tio­nary amongst schol­ars read­ing lat­er Latin. 

Oxford Latin Dictionary

P.W. Glare (edi­tor)

Oxford Latin Dic­tio­nary is an enor­mous dic­tio­nary of 2400 pages, cov­er­ing Latin up to 200 A.D., exclud­ing most Chris­tan writers. 

Like Lewis & Short, it is a Latin-Eng­lish dic­tio­nary only and pro­vides the user with exam­ples from lit­er­a­ture and notes on usage and ety­mol­o­gy. How­ev­er, it dif­fers from Lewis & Short in that it’s not based on pre­vi­ous dic­tio­nar­ies but is a com­plete­ly new work tak­ing mod­ern research into consideration. 

I find that one of Oxford Latin Dic­tio­nary’s great­est strengths lies in the clear dis­po­si­tion of its arti­cles which makes find­ing the rel­e­vant sense com­par­a­tive­ly easy for the reader.

Who should use Oxford Latin Dic­tio­nary? 

If you are an advanced learn­er and want to dive deep into the dif­fer­ent nuances and usages of words, Oxford Latin Dic­tio­nary is a great resource. I would sug­gest you use both Lewis & Short and OLD.

Best Latin Prose Composition Book

If you want to get real­ly good at Latin and mas­ter it well, one of the best things to do is fol­low a good Latin prose com­po­si­tion course­book and start prac­tic­ing your writ­ing skills. Writ­ing Latin helps you build con­fi­dence in your abil­i­ty to actu­al­ly wield the lan­guage and under­stand it deeply.

Sug­gest­ed read­ing: Latin prose com­po­si­tion: Books and Method

Bear in mind that “Latin prose com­po­si­tion” here means trans­lat­ing select sen­tences and pas­sages from Eng­lish into Latin to prac­tice a par­tic­u­lar aspect of the lan­guage. It is thus not cre­ative writing. 

I have learned an immense amount from trans­lat­ing into Latin as it helped me find out what you I did­n’t know or had­n’t noticed in reading. 

Note! Trans­la­tion exer­cis­es are use­ful, but they will be of lit­tle use with­out ample read­ing of lev­el-appro­pri­ate Latin. 

Below are my two favorite Latin prose com­po­si­tion books:

North & Hillard’s Latin Prose Composition

North & Hillard’s Latin Prose Com­po­si­tion is a clas­sic aimed at stu­dents begin­ning to write Latin. The method is focused on trans­la­tion from Eng­lish into Latin. Note, the book still requires a com­plete under­stand­ing of Latin mor­phol­o­gy, as the book focus­es on teach­ing syn­tax and vocab­u­lary. The book starts with some prepara­to­ry exer­cis­es, which are very sim­ple, but the actu­al exer­cis­es are more difficult.

The book fol­lows a sim­ple struc­ture: each chap­ter first briefly explains a point of gram­mar such as the gen­i­tive of qual­i­ty or final claus­es. Next, there are a few exam­ples of the gram­mat­i­cal point of the chap­ter with Eng­lish trans­la­tions. Final­ly, there are the exer­cis­es them­selves, which con­sist of short, dis­joint­ed sen­tences in which the gram­mar points of the chap­ter are to be used.

After a few chap­ters, there are sum­ma­ry exer­cis­es. These are coher­ent para­graphs relat­ing a short sto­ry or an episode from his­to­ry. In these sum­ma­ry exer­cis­es, the gram­mar and vocab­u­lary of the pre­vi­ous chap­ters are prac­ticed together.

North & Hillard has a full glos­sary of all the words and expres­sions you will need for doing the exercises.

I have most of my stu­dents go through this book dili­gent­ly. Although the style and con­tents of the book might seem rather arid to stu­dents, the result from using it is always the same: My stu­dents mas­ter the most impor­tant aspects of gram­mar and phrase­ol­o­gy inti­mate­ly. In addi­tion, this hyper-focus on par­tic­u­lar aspects of the lan­guage makes notic­ing the same things while read­ing much more like­ly. “Oh, this is the same struc­ture that I prac­ticed using in North & Hillard!”.

When can you use North & Hillard?

Start work­ing on North & Hillard after gain­ing a firm ground­ing in Latin, prefer­ably after Famil­ia Romana, pro­vid­ing you study it method­i­cal­ly.

Bradley’s Arnold Latin Prose Composition

Bradley’s Arnold Latin Prose com­po­si­tion is the stan­dard text­book for more advanced com­po­si­tion prac­tice. It aims at teach­ing you to write a clas­si­cal Latin fol­low­ing the exam­ple of Cae­sar and Cicero. To do this, the chap­ters are divid­ed into gram­mat­i­cal top­ics. Each chap­ter focus­es on one aspect, e.g., the accusative and infini­tive, con­di­tion­al claus­es, or indi­rect speech. 

The chap­ters first intro­duce the gram­mar point with expla­na­tions in Eng­lish with exam­ple sen­tences in Latin elu­ci­dat­ing the points. Next, fol­low iso­lat­ed sen­tences in Eng­lish to trans­late into Latin. These sen­tences are writ­ten to be trans­lat­ed using the cur­rent chap­ter’s gram­mat­i­cal top­ic while also prac­tic­ing pre­vi­ous points.

When I was learn­ing Latin, I went through Bradley’s Arnold count­less times, both in writ­ing and oral­ly. After­ward, I gained new­found con­fi­dence in my knowl­edge of Latin idiom and gram­mar. It’s a detailed course and will deep­en your knowl­edge immense­ly while also mak­ing read­ing Latin much eas­i­er and more rewarding.

How­ev­er, if your goal is to write Latin well, this course is only the begin­ning: you will have to read and write for years to devel­op your style and vocabulary.

When can you study Bradley’s Arnold?

You can start study­ing Bradley’s Arnold after you know Latin mor­phol­o­gy well and have a good-sized vocab­u­lary. First, mas­ter the con­tents of Famil­ia Romana by Hans Ørberg and sev­er­al read­ers, and then go through North & Hillard’s Latin prose com­po­si­tion, which func­tions well as an intro­duc­tion to writ­ing Latin. 

Final recommendations

Now you have an idea of which books to get and study to learn Latin well. Remem­ber that there are many oth­er books not on this list that may be equal­ly good. Nev­er­the­less, these are books that I have used suc­cess­ful­ly myself to attain flu­en­cy in speak­ing and read­ing Latin.

Do not rush through the books; learn­ing Latin can be and should be a plea­sure­ful expe­ri­ence and not the “nec­es­sary evil” you have to pass through to learn it. Keep read­ing and study­ing con­sis­tent­ly, and over time you will be able to read, and if you want to, speak Latin well. It only takes time and reading.

Good luck!

*This arti­cle con­tains affil­i­ate links, which means that we make a small com­mis­sion from any sales—without affect­ing the price for you.


Daniel Pettersson

Daniel Pettersson

Teacher, author, and CEO of Legentibus Daniel Pettersson, M.A., is co-founder of Legentibus and Latinitium. He is also working on his Ph.D. dissertation on Humanist Colloquia. Daniel believes in the importance of Latin literature in the modern world and that you can teach yourself Latin with the right motivation, method, and material.
Written by Daniel Pettersson

Written by Daniel Pettersson

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Here is what we have found to be the best way to read a Latin text whether beginner or advanced inside or outside of Legentibus (our app with loads of Latin texts for all levels with text synced with audio an in-book dictionaries).
The Supine in Latin Grammar: What it is and What its Function is

The Supine in Latin Grammar: What it is and What its Function is

Among Latin’s many verb forms, the supine, causes students quite a lot of confusion. In this article, I will ...
How to start speaking Latin: the first daily exercise

How to start speaking Latin: the first daily exercise

Do you want to learn to read Latin well—without looking for the verb or checking the dictionary every other ...