How many times a day do you hit backspace? Or are you perhaps old school and use a real pencil? In that case: how many times a day do you use your rubber (or eraser, if you live across the pond)? Quite a few, right?! But how many times a day do you erase...
Posts by
Amelie Rosengren

Mihi Aqua Haeret: Cicero at a Stand
Sometimes when we are having doubts, or do not know what to do, it feels like everything stops. You hit a metaphorical brick wall, not knowing where to go next. At times, you really physically stop. In English, you could say that you are at a stand or perhaps at a...
Nemo Saltat Sobrius: Dancing in Ancient Rome
In 62 B.C. a man named Lucius Licinius Murena was up for trial in Rome. He was accused of bribery. Murena had served in the military and had later made himself popular as a politician. In 62 B.C. he was elected consul of Rome, but shortly after having been elected,...
Cygnea Cantio: The Swan-song
A cygnea cantio, or a swan-song, is a final gesture or performance given just before death (or retirement from one’s career, if you want to be dramatic when you leave your job). It is the last song you sing before you are finished, so to speak. Singing Swans Today we...
Auribus Teneo Lupum: Why Emperor Tiberius and President Thomas Jefferson Both Held a Wolf by the Ears
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t? Proverb For Problems Auribus teneo lupum, i.e., holding a wolf by its ears, as one would express this in Latin, reflects encountering a problem or a difficulty that has...
Lupus in Fabula: How to Speak of the Devil in Latin
In the Roman playwright Terence’s play Adelphoe, written c:a 160 B.C., two of the characters, Syrus and Ctesipho, are speaking when Syrus blurts out: — Em tibi autem!— Quidnamst?— Lupus in fabula.— Pater est?— Ipsust.— Terence, Adelphoe 535–539 i.e. — But look!— What...
Hastas Abicere – How to Quit Like a Roman
To throw the spears, or hastas abicere in Latin, is an expression used by the Romans when you they done when you quit in defeat or gave up a contest. The expression can be used when whatever it is you have done before defeats you and you give up. In English, you might...